Saturday, June 20, 2009

chicken drumstick recipes

Marinades offer the best of both worlds. Marinating your chicken before you grill allows your flavor to permeate the meat and it'll be moist and juicy - perfectly grilled chicken! The there are many marinades out on the market today that keep your chicken moist throughout the grilling process.

Here are some tips and recipes sure to spice up any summertime bash.

* If you have a hard time in telling whether your chicken is almost cooked, you could purchase a meat thermometer.

* Add flavor by scattering dried herb clippings, both sprigs and whole stems, over the coals.

* Plan your menu, but keep it simple.

* Marinating gives flavors to your meat, it is composed of seasoning, acid and oil.

* Do not use a fork to turn the chicken as it cooks. The piercing causes the juices to escape.

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