Wednesday, January 7, 2009

easy chicken enchilada recipes

When grilling or broiling, the chicken will have a tendency to dry out so it must be watched carefully during the cooking process. Coating the chicken with a little oil or marinating it will aid in preventing it from drying out while cooking. Also, the temperature at which the chicken is cooked and the distance the chicken is from the heat source are both important to tender, juicy, properly cooked chicken.

Here are some easy and common sense tips about cooking chicken at home.

* Never place cooked meat on a platter that held raw meat.

* Prepare the fire a half hour or more before grilling.

* Add flavor by scattering dried herb clippings, both sprigs and whole stems, over the coals.

* If flare-ups occur, remove the food for a few moments and sprinkle water lightly over the flames, or smother them by covering the grill.

* Coat grate with vegetable cooking spray, or brush with cooking oil to prevent food from sticking.

* When meat is cooked, transfer to a clean plate or serving platter.

* Without a proper fire, you can not expect great results.

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